For many of us, it is time, simply time, to end the petty stresses of our lives. Can we truly commit to the awareness that happiness is eternally free from our circumstances? Are many or most of our problems “first world” problems? How many of us have visited a “third world” nation and noticed that people seem much happier there, less attached to fame, wealth and the future? Of course suffering can exist in anyone’s mind, in any location on earth…and our compassion to our own suffering and the suffering of others gives rise to wisdom.

How can we sweep the mountain of nerves daily and find inner peace…to realize right here and now that this present moment is the greatest gift and that things don’t always work out in time…but in the awareness in which time arises? I like to breathe and see how soft and relaxed my breath can become…try ten deep, soft breaths right now…your mind will relax. One friend loves to grab the binoculars and set out to find unique birds right there in his own neighborhood…tiny miracles rarely seen or noticed. What simple thing or act can you do to bring you simple and present peace today? Perhaps this year we could all take more time to nourish ourselves. We offer massage and acupuncture sessions at our clinic, not only to help people get rid of pain or other symptoms, but to find that through nourishing the body, they are nourishing the mind. And that when the body and mind are deeply relaxed, our innate peace and joy can arise like a clear mountain stream.