Depression and Acupuncture in Asheville
Depression is a debilitating mood disorder that affects millions of people around the world. Studies suggest that as much as 21% of the US population will experience severe depression during their life cycle. The study did not include mild to moderate depressive states that are prevalent. Depression is more common in women than men, in fact it is estimated that women are twice as likely to experience depression.
The cost of depression is also staggering, not only in terms of quality of life, but economically…upwards of 34 billion dollars a year.
Many people do not know that acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help with depressive states. The Chinese have utilized acupuncture and herbal medicine for thousands of years to treat depressive conditions. Depression is not just a symptom of the brain, but a symptom of the entire bodymind.

Chinese medicine does not take the view that depression is merely a broken brain. In acupuncture theory, depressio might also involve the internal organs and a decrease in the functionality and energy of the liver, as an example. And this is why exercise and nutrition play a role in the comprehensive treatment of depression.
Depression and Acupuncture
Reuters Health news recently reported on a study that provided evidence that acupuncture is as effective as counseling for depression. To see the original article about the study you can click here.
In many cases, depressed people have lost the sense of meaning and purpose in their lives. Acupuncture helps relieve stress in the central nervous system. By restoring balance to the body and mind and by helping to increase a person’s energy and by helping a person find a sense of meaning and purpose in life, depression can be alleviated.
If you are experiencing depression please call us for a free consultation. At the Blue Ridge Acupuncture Clinic in Asheville, North Carolina, we have been helping people recover naturally from depression for over a decade.
Simply call now to schedule your consultation and learn how Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help your mood disorder or depression.
Reach James Whittle M.S. L.Ac. Acupuncture in Asheville
Call : 828-254-4405 for a Free Consultation