Asheville Acupuncture

Acupuncture for Acute Pain

The effectiveness of acupuncture for acute pain has recently been proven. Many people erroneously think that acupuncture can only treat chronic pain, like chronic backpain, chronic elbow pain, or fibromylagia that has become a chronic condition. And it is true, multiple studies in China and the U.S. have focused on using acupuncture to treat chronic pain, but a recent study sheds light on the effectiveness of acupuncture for acute pain. In fact, patients responded faster and better to acupuncture than […]

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Asheville Acupuncture

How To Do A Coffee Enema

Introduction: Scroll down to see the steps below… I learned about coffee enemas from gastroenterologist Dr. Hiromi Shinya M.D. Dr. Shinya invented the colonoscope and noninvasive surgery for the large intestine. He has looked into the colons and stomachs of more than a half a million patients, and so he knows a thing or two about large intestine health. Dr. Shinya says that a coffee enema will help your large intestine repopulate itself with beneficial bacteria, or probiotics. The good

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Asheville Acupuncture

Health Department Uses Acupuncture For Smoking Cessation

Australian media began reporting this past week that the federal health department was giving cash reimbursements to employees who used hypnotherapy or acupuncture for smoking cessation. For many conservative medical practitioners, and for those who have not seen the science behind acupuncture’s benefits for addiction, this was seen as controversial. Acupuncture has a very long history of use for addictions in China, and Americans might be surprised to find that acupuncture has been used in hospitals in New York State

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Asheville Acupuncture

The Cleveland Clinic and Acupuncture

In 2014, The Cleveland Clinic set up the first Chinese medicine program in a major US hospital. Katie Kouric, Time magazine, and The Wall Street Journal all reported on the developments. The news is extraordinary, because the Cleveland Clinic was ranked one of the top four hospitals in the United States, by US News and World Report, and it has an impeccable reputation. So how is it that such an esteemed hospital is opening its doors to the east and

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Asheville Acupuncture

World Health Organization and Acupuncture

Many people are not aware of how supportive the WHO, World Health Organization, has been of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine. In the background to their lengthy report on Acupuncture, the WHO says: “The past two decades have seen extensive studies on acupuncture, and great efforts have been made to conduct controlled clinical trials that include the use of “sham” acupuncture or “placebo” acupuncture controls. Although still limited in number because of the difficulties of carrying out such trials, convincing reports,

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Asheville Acupuncture
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