Anti aging and Acupuncture
Using acupuncture cosmetically for facial rejuvenation and for the prevention and reversal of aging has become incredibly popular over the years.
It is important to note that we are not talking about or trying to promote vanity, but we are trying to educate people about the uses of acupuncture that are in some cases thousands of years old.
Anti-aging and acupuncture go hand in hand. Celebrities such as Madonna and Gwyneth Paltrow regularly use acupuncture and cupping to achieve a greater sense of well being by increasing the efficiency of, thereby benefiting their circulatory systems.
James Whittle has traveled to China 8 times and studied with masters of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. At its core, acupuncture therapy is anti-aging medicine because by moving the circulation of blood and energy, a person feels more youthful and vivacious.

Anti Aging and Acupuncture
We treat the whole person to achieve help with the usual symptoms of aging. If you would like to learn how to reverse aging with acupuncture and Chinese medicine, simply call us. Your free consult about acupuncture for anti-aging and facial rejuvenation awaits! 828-254-4405.
To learn more about noninvasive acupuncture face lifts check this link
Reach James Whittle M.S. L.Ac. Acupuncture in Asheville
Call : 828-254-4405 for a Free Consultation