NPR reported a story this past week explaining that acupuncture is a viable treatment option for nasal allergies, also called allergic rhinitis.
The Academy of Otolaryngology, has published new guidelines that can help allergy sufferers sort through the various treatment options and make a choice based on the best available evidence.
Nasal allergies, or allergic rhinitis, affects almost 40 million Americans according to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America.
Acupuncture can provide a side-effect free treatment option to those who are sensitive to medications, or do not like using antihistamines and decongestants.

Acupuncture for Nasal Allergies
NPR interviewed Dr. Sandra Lin, associate professor of otolaryngology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. She is on the panel that published the guidelines.
Here is what Dr. Lin recommended about acupuncture for nasal allergies.
“Acupuncture may help relieve symptoms and improve quality of life for people with perennial allergic rhinitis, and may help with seasonal allergies too, according to several studies. Thus it could be an option for people looking for non-pharmaceutical treatments.”
To learn how to differentiate between rhinitis, seasonal allergies, and pet allergies…click here.
To see the original article on NPR, go here.
To schedule an evaluation or free consult to find out how acupuncture can help with nasal allergies, simply call us at 828-254-4405, or click the “schedule now” button on this website.