Acupuncture and Joint Health in Asheville
When you visit us at our Asheville clinic, we will help you create an entire natural program for maximizing your joint health. We go way beyond just using glucosamine and other supplements for your joints, though certain supplements can help. Our program will usually help you save money on supplements that are not effective.
Keeping your joints and bones strong, flexible and supple as you age is an incredibly important part of your natural health program. Joint pain is an extremely common condition that I treat successfully with acupuncture. Getting the right vitamins and mineral support through nutrition and food is incredibly important for joint health. Green vegetables like kale are particularly good for the joints because of the high sulfur content, and other beneficial nutrients.
Acupuncture and Arthritis
Joint pain is very common and in many cases, especially in colder and damp climates, in Asheville for instance, your joints will get worse with low pressure systems and damp cold weather.

Knee pain, and osteoarthritis of the knees is one of the most common conditions I treat successfully in our Asheville acupuncture clinic. We also provide pain relief for aching joints, finger joint pain, toe joint pain, sacroiliac joint pain, hip joint pain and more. If any joint in your body is aching or in pain, call us to learn how you can get natural pain relief that lasts.
Joint health and bone health is extremely important, if your joints deteriorate you will obviously not be able to enjoy your body or your life. To understand how to keep your joints strong, supple and healthy is to understand one of the key components of a healthy life. Our bones must support us for our lifetime.
The Chinese have utilized nutritional therapy, herbal remedies and acupuncture for thousands of years to keep the joints strong, supple, healthy and flexible. There are many diseases that can wreak havoc on your joint health, and knowing how to prevent them is key. We can teach you how to achieve extraordinary joint health.
Osteoarthritis and other inflammatory conditions are diseases that target and cause problems for people’s joints. Inflammation, called the silent killer, in the joints is a major health concern. By utilizing Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture, the inflammation in your joints can be cooled and the fires of inflammation put out.
By healing the inflammation in your joints you can bring about a pain free and flexible body. To understand more about how acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and nutritional therapy can help heal your joints and increase your joint health simply call us at the Blue Ridge Acupuncture Clinic in Asheville, North Carolina.
To read the full article “Arthritis and Acupuncture” by James Whittle, click here.
Reach James Whittle M.S. L.Ac. Acupuncture in Asheville
Call : 828-254-4405 for a Free Consultation