Chinese Medicine and Bone Health
Keeping your bones healthy is an incredibly important aspect of aging. Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help an aging person keep their bones healthy.
The Chinese have a saying, “the bones should be strong and healthy like bamboo.” To keep the bones strong and flexible, certain breathing exercises are often prescribed as well.
Nutritional therapy and correct supplementation can also help keep the bones strong and flexible. Many of my patients return to their doctor’s after our treatment for bone problems to find that their bones are much stronger and more dense after our interventions.
Chinese herbal medicine is also very effective for keeping the bones young and supple and for increasing bone density.
At the Blue Ridge Acupuncture Clinic in Asheville, North Carolina, we put together an entire program for you that will protect your bones and help prevent and treat bone problems like bone spurs, osteopenia and osteoporosis. To learn more about how the sense of hearing is connected to bone health, click here.
To find out how to help your overall health and to learn how to increase your bone health
Reach James Whittle M.S. L.Ac. Acupuncture in Asheville
Call : 828-254-4405 for a Free Consultation