Sexual Health and Low T in Asheville
Sexual health is a very important part of men’s and women’s health plans. When we are balanced sexually and have a powerful and invigorating sex life, we are able to withstand the stresses of life more easily, and our relationships deepen.
Preventing an STD or an STI is very important obviously and acupuncture can help if you are suffering from a sexually transmitted disease, or sexually transmitted infection.
Sexual health is important for relationship health and problems like erectile dysfunction (ED) are common for men just as low libido is common to men and women. Often a man has low t, and when his testosterone is low, you will notice he desires sex less. Acupuncture is excellent for low t, and there are many potent herbs that can invigorate a man’s sex life.
Learning how to improve your sexual health can improve all areas of your life. To understand how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can improve your sexual health, simply call us at the Blue Ridge Acupuncture Clinic in Asheville North Carolina.
We can explain to you how an acupuncture program along with nutritional strategies and in some cases herbal remedies can dramatically improve your sexual vitality and your overall sexual health.

Reach James Whittle M.S. L.Ac. Acupuncture in Asheville
Call : 828-254-4405 for a Free Consultation