The Los Angeles Times today reported on a new Lancet study that proves that 1 in 3 cases of dementia can be prevented. Nearly 8% of dementia cases can be prevented through early life education. In midlife, risk factors for dementia include hearing loss, hypertension and obesity. And in late life significant risk factors include smoking, depression, physical inactivity, social isolation and diabetes. Thirty five percent of dementia cases are potentially modifiable according to the study. Prevention requires education and a focus by health care professionals on encouraging lifestyle changes like proper nutrition and exercise.
Holistic forms of medicine are well suited to provide patients with comprehensive approaches to disease rather than surgical or pharmaceutical fixes. Research on acupuncture for dementia demonstrated that acupuncture may stop memory loss that precedes it:

Acupuncture for dementia
In Chinese medicine, dementia often occurs in cases where there is a problem with what ancient physicians called the “kidney Qi.” These doctors were able to see functional disturbances within the organs and treat them with acupuncture. Since acupuncture is a form of healthcare that focuses on education and prevention, it makes sense for insurance companies to cover it. When a person sees an acupuncturist, they will not only be treated with a natural, safe, effective treatment, but they will also be educated about attaining a healthy weight, stopping smoking, and maintaining a healthy blood pressure. Acupuncture for dementia would include treating a person’s memory and might include ear acupuncture, or auriculotherapy and electro-acupuncture.
Additionally there is research that indicates a relationship between air quality and pollution and dementia. More studies should focus on toxins and their contribution to dementia and Alzheimer’s. To see the article about air pollution and dementia, check out this LA times article:
To see the LA Times article about preventing dementia click here:
To see the research in the medical journal, The Lancet, go here: