Acupuncture Resources

On this page you will find a comprehensive list of acupuncture resources in the United States and abroad. If you scroll down you will see a list of international acupuncture resources. If you would like your acupuncture or Chinese medicine resource listed here, please email James Whittle at

Acupuncture Organizations

National Organizations

International Organizations


Acupuncture Journals


Acupuncture Research

Acupuncture Schools – United States

Find an Accredited Acupuncture School or Program

The following is a comprehensive list of all the acupuncture schools in the United States. For decades, the Accreditation Committee for Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine has accredited all schools of acupuncture in the US. You can check with the ACAHM to see if the acupuncture school or program you are interested in is accredited or pre-accredited at this link:

Chinese Herb Growers

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